Hi, I'm Alan
Building a Frontend Framework; Reactivity and Composability With Zero Dependencies
Or how hard is it to build a frontend framework with only Web APIs and no dependencies?
Refactoring Charts
Frappe Books Tech Blog
I had to rewrite the charts in Frappe Books. This seemed like the only option. Well almost
Mumbai University, Everyone Cheated
The plot in the banner image of this post shows two histograms. These histograms substantiate the claim in the title
Making A Synth With Python — Modulators
Part of a series of posts on making a synthesizer using Python. This one covers modulators
Archiving Strawberry
A bittersweet experience that impelled me to write
GitHub Gist
A document on code quality and readability inspired by the frustrating code I've encountered recently
First Attempt at a Complete Rewrite
Frappe Books Tech Blog
Doing a complete rewrite of Frappe Books has been on my mind for around a month, so I thought I'd give it a shot
Enabling Translations
Frappe Books Tech Blog
Not everyone knows English, and it is generally the least favorite language of polyglots (don't quote me on this). Suffice to say translations are important
Misanthropy Thwarted
A serendipitous reminder to douse the cynic
AGI in T Minus Ten Years
What I think about AGI arriving soon and you should too
Post Zero, Why?
Finally, a digital domicile just for me
Making A Synth With Python — Controllers
Part of a series of posts on making a synthesizer using Python. This one covers controllers
Making A Synth With Python — Oscillators
Part of a series of posts on making a synthesizer using Python. This one covers oscillators
What The Fuck Is Biting Me?
Eleven something AM, woke up feeling like shit. My mental state mourning the cessation of an another failed attempt at good sleep